Recovery Management Services: Intervention Hotline provides a complete continuum of services to help those struggling with addiction using a recovery management approach working with patients and their families in the privacy of their own home. We use family coaching and support services for their loved ones such as: daily monitoring, client case management, sober coaches, addiction counselors, and other professionals based on the needs of the client’s needs.
At Intervention Hotline, we offer addiction and mental health referral using an array of community-based referral services along with residential and outpatient program. Our goal is to work closely with patients and families while patients are accessing these services. This provides assurance to families their loved ones can transition into the community with a recovery support.
Practical Steps to Recovery Management:
- A signed treatment contract that outlines post-treatment recovery activities, including meetings, individual sessions, urine tests, etc.
- Reporting protocols for non-compliance with terms of the contract • Random forensic urine testing, with a minimum of four per month for the first year
- A minimum of three weekly documented 12-Step or other Self-Help support group attendances
- Participation in at least one weekly facilitated therapy group
- Minimum of at least one weekly individual session
- Minimum of at least twice monthly meetings with the Monitor or service Provider
- Monthly written progress reports to the designated employee representative or family member